What customers have to say...
“The AS0004-SR-4A “Dual Mount” Docking Stations are capable of holding TWO SINCGARS radios with power amps. This allows us to operate a 92F configuration using very minimal space while achieving maximum power output with unparalleled reliability.”
“The PSDS has an internal speaker, eliminating the need for additional cables and external speakers. The system is lightweight, rugged and very easy to install. You simply plug your [properly] configured SINCGARS into the PSDS and turn on the switch. We have operated these docking stations in nearly every climate imaginable and have had no problems with performance. Their reliability alone makes them worth their weight in gold.”
“The PSDS eliminated the need for the 110/24V converters, bulky VAA’s and the myriad of twisted cabling that was required to operate the system.”
“In the past, running TOC communications off a bench-mounted VAA was very awkward and inefficient. Running multiple coms (4 NETS or more) became a huge problem. We had no room to set up all the bulky equipment. The heat and noise generated from the old method of setting up a TOC was counter-productive.”
“PSDS is a God-send. No longer do we “rig” a vehicle VAA to a 24V DC converter to run communications.”
“Since receiving the PSDS in 2006 they have been an invaluable part of our TOC operations.”